Feb 3, 2011

Love & Depression

Energetic treatment of our emotions is based on the principal that everything that exists is made of energy. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions are made of energy. By working with the energy in our bodies directly we are able to transform our experience of ourselves and the world. When we are not feeling emotionally well our bodies energy is stuck in a state of either depletion or excess. Our natural state is a movement around a central point of balance sometimes high energy, sometimes low energy with a natural return to a place of balance. We see this natural movement in children. They can quickly transition from doing well to upset and back again with little effort. As adults we tend to have greater mental attachment to our experience. This leads to circular thought patterns that disturb our energetic system and eventually leads to biological changes. We are able to change our bodies and minds with our thoughts. Energy psychology seeks to reset our system by working with the root cause, a disturbance in the balance of our energetic system. Mind Ease is one such modality. This procedure uncouples debilitating thought patterns and emotional reactivity’s from the energy that sustains them, allowing the body, mind and energy system to rest in a place of balance and ease. 

Jan 10, 2011

Weight Management With Massage

If you complete a web search about "massage weight loss" you are inundated with a barrage of links ranging from YouTube videos to non-cited articles that may not be written by a health professional or a massage therapist. In this sea of information where are you to turn?  The purpose of this article is to dispel myths and confirm facts about massage therapy and weight loss.
Massage alone is not a miracle weight loss cure as there are multiple components to a successful healing program. Massage is an excellent compliment to weight management along with exercise (yes, that dreaded word), nutritional counseling, acupuncture and counseling.
In the beginning of a new healthy lifestyle massage helps create the mind-body connection and enhances self awareness. Mind-body connection is very important to all healthy paths. People who have a healthy mind-body connection are aware of their feelings, thoughts, actions, have positive self-image and deal positively with stressful situations. Massage helps this connection by creating a space for you to heal through relaxation. It also helps you let go of emotions stored in muscles which reduces bodily aches and pains while increasing your energy level.
Massage is not just a tool for weight loss: it is a tool for life.  It helps you manage weight and stress and can increase your body’s ability to heal itself. Below you will find a list of benefits specific to weight loss/management.
Massage Weight loss/Management Benefits:
  • Massage improves lymph system circulation. This means that the body is detoxifying. Most of the pain experienced after a workout originates in the soft tissues of the body.  Muscle soreness results from a buildup of lactic acid.
  • Blood circulation improves, helping to increase metabolism.
  • Massage increases Range of Motion (ROM) and flexibility. This can increase effectiveness of exercise and decrease the chance of injury.
  • Massage increases muscle tone and helps to repair muscle tissue. This increases the ability to build muscle tone, helping you more burn calories.
  • Massage reduces recovery time after a workout, allowing you to work out at greater frequency without injury.
Written By: Melissa Klapperich L.M.T/Reiki Practitioner 
                    Rocky Mountain Healing Center
Resources and for more information visit these websites:
Melissa Klapperich is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and Lead Massage Therapist at the Rocky Mountain Healing Center. She has been practicing massage for 5 1/2 years and is a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition and is working towards becoming a Reiki Master Level Teacher by the end of the year. 
Melissa is dedicated to each persons unique healing process and is a believer in the Mind-Body connection and has seen first hand how important it is. She will take the time to explain anything you ask from why a muscle is sore to how imbalance in one area of the body can affect the entire body. She specializes in Deep Tissue Massage, Reiki Massage, Structural Massage, Injury Rehab, Neuromuscular Massage, Prenatal Massage, Aromatherapy, using intuition, client feed back and structural analysis to customize each massage to meet your needs.

7 Steps to Natural Weight Loss
Written by Tammi Hoerner, CHHC, AADP, MH

If you are like so many Americans, weight loss was amongst the top to do’s on your list of resolutions this year. But then again, it was on last year’s list too. Year after year, this objective is strived for, usually met by gym memberships and the purchase of at least one outfit that will help you look cute working out in public. You may even go so far as a high dollar shopping trip to Whole Foods for an over flowing basket of Kashi cereals and organic waffles.
Most who make this resolution do not succeed in the endeavor. Over 80% of people who set weight loss goals as a New Year resolution do not reach their goal; in fact the number one indicator of weight gain is.... Dieting. Research shows that 95% of people who lose weight, gain it back within 3 years. Seems like a catch 22 doesn’t it? Worse yet, studies have also shown that women who intentionally lose weight multiple times (yo-yo or roller coaster dieting) have a greater risk of type 2 diabetes. Now that is frightening!
If you are ready to cross weight loss off your list, I say GO AHEAD, but don’t stop there, replace it with a resolution to Be Healthy instead and find that starting with the steps below, you can reach your weight loss goals and achieve your greatest health and well being!
1.       Move it to lose it - many people jump on a fad diet to lose weight. This approach only focuses on one part of the whole puzzle. Movement has been shown to increase weight loss progress, improve mood and increase immunity!
2.       Keep a diary - skip writing how many calories you are eating, instead write what you eat, when you eat, and how you feel after you eat. You’ll find this practice helps you to become more in tune with your eating habits.
3.       Get support - friends and family make great support groups, but they can also unwittingly create mass amounts of sabotage. I suggest finding a professional who is a neutral party. They are specially trained to support people like you on just such adventures and propel you toward reaching your goals.
4.       What’s eating YOU? - we reach for food for many more reasons than hunger alone. Emotions such as boredom and anger, fear and loneliness, left unrecognized and unresolved can lead to emotional eating patterns.
5.       Portion control - heard this one before, haven’t you? Switch your plates to a smaller size, even a small salad plate works, use this for your dinner plate and there is no way you can put too much on it! Be sure to wait at least five to ten minutes before serving yourself a second portion.
6.       Slow down - this seems to be the magic in weight loss, it can also be the most challenging. Being aware of taking time out between bites, slowing down to chew your food as many times as you have teeth, and even having pleasant conversation between bites, will allow your body to feel satiated.
7.       Focus on being healthy, not on being skinny! This is beyond just being realistic, this is being you. Everyone is born with a different body, metabolism, personality, smile, and - yes - weight.
I challenge you to find your own natural body weight through being healthy, taking on more healthful habits, one step at a time. Be patient, be realistic, and be sure to honor yourself.

Tammi Hoerner is an A.A.D.P. Board Certified Health Coach and Integrative Nutrition Practitioner. Tammi guides busy professional women toward their greatest health and life goals. Tammi is Founding Director of The Nourished Life, Center Manager at Rocky Mountain Healing Center, 2011 Coach for Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and Immersionist. Tammi is currently practicing at the beautiful Rocky Mountain Healing Center in Denver, Colorado. Her clients experience sustainable weight loss, health transformations, and life shifts worth writing about! Tammi offers a FREE one hour initial consultation! To learn more about Tammi and to schedule your free consultation, call 303-736-9023.

Nov 8, 2010

Are Your Treats Getting the Best of You?

Just a few short years ago, I was really trying to figure out how I had gained so much weight, and why so suddenly, it felt I couldn’t control what I put in my mouth, nor could I control how much I ate. With much thought and inner reflection, I realized my behaviors around the holidays was one large piece of the puzzle.
         Halloween was always the kick-off, it seemed, to the mass of sugar binges that I engulfed myself in through out the winter months. Kit Kat bars, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and Hershey Chocolates would find their way missing from my daughter’s deep trick or treat bag. Sometimes, I would find myself sitting with a pile of candy in front of me, practically dazed, peeling one wrapper after another, and barely tasting the poison inside. I was finding myself landing in January with five or six more pounds than I was the January before. Soon, it added up to over 30 pounds!
         Since then, I have gotten rid of that weight and connected with many of my destructive self – sabotaging habits and found my way to where I am today – 30 pounds lighter, much happier and healthier! Today, I take comfort in knowing that my new perspectives on food allow me to have the occasional York peppermint patty, or a few Rolos. I have learned to slow down, chew slowly and relish my moments, making sure I not only taste them, but feel the creamy chocolate and blends of flavors in a sensual moment just for me. Then, I’m completely satisfied and I move on.

Oct 27, 2010

Reconnecting to Your Authentic Self

A few days ago at Rocky Mountain Healing center, after a client came out of her session the receptionist asked me “what do you do in there”?  Her question was in part due to the positive shift in the woman, (the before and after) so to speak, partly due to the fact that I am new to the center and partly because there is so much myth and misinformation about hypnosis.

Hypnosis leads subjects to their forgotten authentic selves. By quieting the critical conscious mind through relaxation, the journey of transformation begins. Awareness in this altered state opens stored memories. Because trance is a naturally occurring and self-controlled state, it is possible to find out where someone else’s program, limiting old programs or unconscious programs are overriding personal desires.  Learning how to creatively craft new ways of utilizing “self-talk” along with the releasing and resolving of previous limited experiences, results in the elimination of negative habitual behaviors, self-sabotaging thoughts and unexplained blocks.

Self-hypnosis moves you rapidly into a healthier, clearer way of living through self-empowerment.  Repetition is one of the main ingredients for success.  You become the writer, director and star in your life.  Hypnosis works at the subconscious level where beliefs, memories and creative abilities are developed and stored.  Hypnosis is a safe, time tested, researched and proven techniques for deep, long lasting, profound changes to occur.

Please contact me for a complimentary ½ hour session.

Create a fabulous day.  You are here to do just that and nothing less!

Cathy Cain, CHT, Reiki Master/Teacher

Oct 24, 2010

Prevention is the Best Medicine

If you knew that you could reduce your chances of chronic disease by simply shifting decisions you make multiple times a day, would you make the choices that would possibly save and shape your life?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “A few, largely preventable, risk factors account for most of the world’s disease burden. Chronic diseases are the major cause of death and disability worldwide, and increasingly affect people from developing as well as developed countries. This reflects a significant change in diet habits, physical activity levels and tobacco use worldwide as a result of industrialization, urbanization, economic development and increasing food market globalization…”

What is going on? “People worldwide are consuming more foods that are energy-dense- high in sugar and /or saturated fats – or excessively salty” Not only are these food substances bad for your body, but most are highly addictive and create ravaging cravings for more.

Oct 17, 2010

Depression and Physical Pain

While some may argue to the lack of empirical evidence on the direct association between depression and pain, researchers believe there is a known connection between depression and physical symptoms through shared neurological pathways. The brain’s chemicals that regulate moods, thoughts, and feelings, also moderate and reduce pain signals. In the case of depression, where there is an imbalance in the neurotransmitters, the filtering mechanism of pain is negatively impacted, thus increasing the body’s sensitivity to pain.
Several studies have found an association among negative thought patterns, stressful life events, and incidence of major depressive disorder. There also appears to be a strong connection between severe depression and a preexisting personality pattern that includes dependence, anxiety, need for approval, dysfunctional thinking, and a weak self-image. Traumatic events, particularly those occurring early in life, have also been found to contribute to a vulnerability to depression. Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; an unstable family life; and insecure attachment can leave us vulnerable to depression.